Let me start this post off by stating that I am not a Twi-hard nor am I a KStew or RPatz hater. I’m pretty middle of the road when it comes to the two of them. They have some movies that are better than others, and I will leave it at that. With that being said, I’m not invested in their relationship, but after these past three days I feel like not knowing their business is impossible for anyone with a TV or computer. This cheating scandal is everywhere I turn. On my e-mail website, I see articles about Rob moving out, on my news site homepage I see a story about the model wife Rupert Sanders cheated on, and on Twitter I see the hashtag #kristencheats. Due to the bombardment of this domestic drama all over the media, I now feel that I am forced to care.
Ninety percent of me believes that this is all a publicity stunt, since there are so many things that don’t add up. For example, if you are a uber famous celebrity I would not suggest making out in your car like two teens with no where to go. She’s the highest paid actress in Hollywood, so I would think she has access to a hotel, a private house or something. Also, that whole public apology thing is ridiculous. I know celebrities do it all the time, but isn’t she the poster child for the anti-Hollywood celebrities? I would think that she would be above making a private matter public. I know the pictures made the affair public but it doesn’t obligate a person to the speak to the press.
All that aside, the other ten percent of me feels a little bit bad for the girl. Cheating is wrong, cheating is disgusting, and it is definitely her fault for whatever happens next, but she is human. The press jumped on her with a religious fervor. She surely isn’t the first celebrity whose been caught in a cheating scandal but she is the first female celebrity that I can remember being in the adulterer’s seat in quite some time. Sure, celebrity women have been cheated on but usually the mistress is some no name person and not a mega-star like Kristen. And the man getting cheated on isn’t a a mega-star himself. The press has turned her indiscretion into a sensation and are claiming that this could ruin her career. I think statements like that are a bit much. She cheated on her boyfriend, she didn’t kill someone. Hopefully, she didn’t ruin a marriage but that’s between Rupert Sanders and his wife. Sanders has hardly taken any blame for this affair, which is ridiculous. Kristen may have cheated on Rob but Rupert cheated on his wife and two kids. Let’s put that into perspective.
I think I might feel sympathy for her as well, since she’s only a year older than me. While me and millions of other people our age are making mistakes in college on a much smaller scale, her mistakes are on the world stage. She basically had her walk of shame in front of the cameras and in tabloids instead of in front of the 10 people who would care if she was a normal girl in her 20s. And I know that she is crazy famous, but Kristen isn’t exactly America’s Sweetheart. For as many people who do care about her, there’s probably twice as many who don’t. So I say leave them alone. Let all of the parties involved work it out among themselves. She doesn’t owe America an explanation, so the press should stop asking for one. And let’s keep in mind that she’s not the only celebrity who has been involved in a cheating scandal. Here are 14 other high profile couples who have been caught cheating!
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