True Blood,
now fully engaged in its seventh and final season on HBO, has always
been a very smart show, concerned with philosophy, intimacy, and the
concepts of heroism and self-sacrifice, and also dudes having sex with
other dudes all the time.
of the most interesting and intelligent twists in the show's core cast
has always been Jason Stackhouse's downstairs situation. While sometimes
that goes to some dark places, like his gang-rape by panthers for
example, most of the time it reminds you that he is a pretty respectable
guy. He loves his sister, his best friend Hoyt, and his town.
relationship with his own penis is as complex and poignant as any
romance. It has gone through as many changes, from the sublime to the
wretched, as his sister Sookie's relationships with various dead people
and animal people. (Sookie once randomly masturbated on a porch while
everybody was at church, which remains one of the coolest things she has
ever done.)
is a good friend and ally, and worries often about perfecting his
skills to protect the things he loves. He worries that he is too full of
hate, and then he worries that he is too accepting and tolerant, and
then he goes the other way again. Always worrying, always trying to do
the right thing. To find his way in a complicated world that has
vampires, fairies, werewolves, and sometimes people who are all of those
things in it.
But from even the first season, one thing Jason Stackhouse has never worried that much about is how he is constantly having homoerotic dreams about all of them, all of the time.
have been going through life thinking that probably the scene above—in
which Jason invents not just one but several kinds of gay porn while
dreaming about his sister's fiancé, the fairy vampire Warlow—was the
hottest thing that was likely to happen in our lifetime. I thought the
technology had plateaued.
as it turns out, Jason's capacity for really getting in there and
making sure we get our money's worth is not something that can be
ignored. The boy is a gay porn factory, whose dreams could power a Wilhelm Reich orgone generator machine so powerful that it could probably destroy the world. Or save it!
All I know is that True Blood is still the smartest show on TV, and gets no credit for it. But one of the ways it is very
smart is how last night, Jason Stackhouse and Eric Northman fucked each
other, and it was excellent by any standard you can think of.
Other things also happened last night on True Blood, a very good television program with many important things to say.
[Images and video via HBO]
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