So, for the past few days I’ve been wanting to go to the movies because there are so many great movies out that I HAVE to see sooner rather than later. I made plans to hang out with Emma and Josh and we decided to go see a movie together … great! The problem was that they had already seen 12 Years A Slaveand didn’t want to see Kill Your Darlings (Boo and Boo). I decided to just go see the movie that they wanted to see and just enjoy my time with them, even if I really didn’t want to see the movie. They chose All Is Lost starring Robert Redford (a movie you’ve probably never even heard of before now) and I was less than thrilled. About 10 minutes into the movie, my opinion of the film changed and I ended up loving it so much that I can hardly believe how wrong I was to prejudge this movie. I know that everyone is losing their shizz overGravity (a movie that I liked but far from loved) but you have to listen to me here … All Is Lost is a film in the same vein as Gravity (ie. Man vs. Nature) but just INFINITELY better.
Today I’m running downtown to pick up my race materials for a little 5K race I’m running on Sunday (my recovery run from my marathon last weekend) and I’m hoping to hang out with Ollie for a bit. Tonight, I think I’m hanging out with Josh Rosebrook … not sure what we’re gonna do but I’m sure we’ll get up to something fun :) Happy Friday!!!
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