X-Men: First Class, the reboot of the blockbuster mutant franchise, arrives in theaters today. Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy take on the roles of Magneto and Professor Xavier when they were young, discovering other mutants, establishing their philosophical differences, and wearing swank sixties threads. Fassbender, in particular, isn't just putting a new spin on a role others have played (others being Ian McKellen, in the earlier X-Men films), he's putting a new spin on a role he's played: Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr has an awful lot in common with the extremely debonair film critic Lieutenant Archie Hicox, Fassbender's scene-stealing part in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, down to their globe-trotting, facility with languages, affinity for bar standoffs, and general Fassbender-y swagger. The similarities between these two roles aren't the only things that X-Men: First Class and Inglorious Basterds have in common. They also share similar premises (ostracized minorities hunting down Nazis), similar characters (the scenery-chewing German, the woman hiding in plain sight, etc.), and even a similar energy for exploring the ways to inflict violence on a forehead with swastikas. So, herewith, fourteen things that can be found in both X-Men: First Class and Inglourious Basterds, and we're not even including a pretty fun time at the movie theater. (We went as light on the spoilers as possible, but inevitably, spoiler alert.)
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