Google is a powerhouse that houses a lot of great services. Many are scatter all over the place, but with Google+, they are bringing everything into one. Though it’s still in its early stage, Google is out to glory. Though many would say Google+ replicates Twitter + Tumblr to compete in the social networking world against jagernaut Facebook, I think they are right for doing so. I think it took them a bit too long to figure out and execute this new direction, but so far they seem to be ready to rock and roll and improve.
Apple seems to be a bit back on the race in my eyes, though they have gain some much exposure and loyal members to #teamiPhone and #teamMac and the (iPod and iPad in which I think are hands down the best in its class as entertainment devices and tablets)…Apple might want if not already plotting to jump in the race while they still have placement and fame over Microsoft in which to me isn’t going anywhere past the greatness of it’s most premier ownership which is the online gaming with the XBOX 360.
I feel Google and Google+ will be a win down the line, if they advertise greatly to the crowd by large and work on more unique offerings for people to propel to the use of their system as they did when first arrived on the scene.
I feel if apple were to buy Twitter and Tumblr, but not become control freaks as they are with almost all of their products in which works tredmenously for them over the last years, I feel they would have a lot of sticking power to be ahead of the flock against Google, Facebook and Microsoft.
Let’s see what may happen over next couple months by the time of November and apple rolls out iCloud and OS 5 to the world.
I’ve been a digital marketer for at least 3 years now and, I’m noticing that search is all about relevancy. I’ve been working with a new tool called INK, it has built-in SEO features. So far, so good. Wanted to share this find with my fellow bloggers: